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Three Reasons Why Your Building Trusses May Need To Be Replaced

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Building trusses, or roof trusses, play an important role in your roofing system. The trusses are beams that support all of the layers of your roof, including the decking, membrane, tiles, shingles, or shakes. Essentially, they are the foundation that your roof is built on top of. Any sloped roof, including sloped commercial and residential roofs, uses a truss system. While it is not common to have to replace building trusses, it is also not unheard of. Here are three of the most common reasons why your home or building roof trusses may need to be replaced. 

Your Roof Leaked

The most common reason why trusses need to be replaced is because of a roof leak. When roofs leak, the water has to go somewhere. In many cases, it can soak into the trusses, which can cause water damage. Trusses are most commonly made from wood, and water can cause wood to warp, crack, or split. Some building trusses can also be made from metal, and water can cause that metal to rust or corrode. Properly caring for your roof and preventing roof leaks can decrease the chances of you needing to replace your trusses. 

Your Trusses Need to Support More Weight

Another reason why trusses may need to be replaced is that they need to support more weight. There are many choices when it comes to roofing materials. Some materials weigh less, while others weigh more. If you are considering adding a heavy material to your roof, such as concrete tiles or slate shingles, you may need to replace the trusses on your roof to support the weight of these heavier roofing materials. The payoff is that these heavier roofing materials last decades or even a lifetime, meaning you may never have to worry about replacing your roof again. 

Damage Occured to the Trusses

The final reason why your building truss may need to be replaced is due to damage. If you have a fire in your attic, the fire may have affected the strength and durability of the trusses. If a tree crashed through your roof, the trusses may have become damaged. While these types of incidents are not common, they can occur, and if they do, your trusses may need to be replaced. 

If the trusses are damaged or cannot support the weight of what is being placed on the roof, the trusses may need to be replaced. Replacing trusses is a large job, as you need to completely strip away all of the layers of the roof and then reconstruct them. Construction contractors and roofing professionals can help you if your trusses need to be replaced. Reach out to a local company for more information, like Campbell Truss Company Inc.
