Things That Can Happen Without Proper Professional Water Damage Restoration
It is vital that you are calling to arrange for professional water damage restoration repair work once you have discovered water damage to your home. It could have been a flood from the nearby river or creek, or it might have simply been a broken water line, but the damage that can happen can continue to get worse long after the water has receded. To help you have a better understanding of what could occur without prompt water damage restoration, check out the following:
The Carpet Can Be Ruined
If the water problem was small enough and the issue is taken care of immediately, you might be able to salvage the carpet that got wet. However, if the water is not removed from your home quickly enough, the moisture will cause the carpet to start falling apart. The water can get all of the way down to the padding and completely ruin it. Replacing all of the padding and carpet can be a big expense.
Mold Will Begin To Grow And Spread
It really does not take a lot of time for mold to start growing. In fact, there will probably already be a little bit of mold starting to grow when the water damage restoration crew arrives. Just imagine how bad it can get if you are not able to get the proper professionals into your home quick enough. Not only could there be mold all over the part of your home that suffered from the water damage, but throughout your entire home. This is because mold spores go airborne and they will land all over your home. Mold can grow on your walls, in your carpets, on your furniture, and even in your lungs if it gets bad enough and you are staying in the home breathing all of the spores in. It can be not only a costly problem but a dangerous one as well.
This is why it is so important for you to call for professional water damage restoration services as soon as you can. The longer you have to wait, for whatever reason, the more damages there will be to tend to once you start the repair work. It is usually a lot more affordable to simply get the cleanup and repair process started right away, even if you have to pay for the initial costs and have your homeowner's insurance company reimburse you for all of it.