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3 Important Steps Involved In Installing A Garage Floor Epoxy Coating

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Garage floor epoxy is a coating that contains resin solids that protect the concrete in your garage. Epoxy can prevent cracks, repel stains, and make your floor easy to keep clean and shiny. Epoxy is similar to paint in how it's applied, and it can last for many years and give your garage an attractive appearance.

Here's a look at three important steps involved in installing garage floor epoxy

1. Epoxy Has To Be Applied In Mild Weather

Your contractor will pick a mild day to install the epoxy. The weather needs to be warm because the concrete has to be above a certain temperature for the epoxy to adhere properly. The contractor needs to consider the temperature the day and night before the installation is done to allow enough time for the concrete to warm up. You may need to have the garage floor epoxy applied late spring through early fall because of the temperature requirements.

2. Cracks And Chips Need To Be Repaired First

Epoxy doesn't repair imperfections in concrete. Your contractor fills in cracks and removes all loose concrete flakes so the surface of the concrete is in good condition. This might involve sanding the floor to get rid of surface damage. In addition, if your garage floor is sealed, the contractor has to remove the old sealcoat.

They can test when the concrete is ready for the epoxy by dropping water on the surface. If the water beads up, there is still coating present. If the water soaks into the concrete, the coating has been removed. The contractor may also pressure wash the concrete to get rid of dust and dirt. The concrete must dry out thoroughly before work can proceed.

3. Epoxy Has To Be Used Within A Specific Time

A garage floor epoxy coating has two parts that are mixed together. Mixing causes a chemical reaction that turns the epoxy into a hard coating. Once mixed, the contractor has a set time to spread the epoxy on the floor before it gets hard and has to be discarded. Because of this, putting on the epoxy usually goes fast.

The most time-consuming part of getting an epoxy floor is preparing the concrete beforehand. Your contractor might complete the job in a single day, but it could take a couple of days, especially if you have a big garage. In addition, once the coating is applied, it may need to cure for a couple of days before you can drive on it.

Your contractor will let you know upfront how long you'll have to wait until you can use your garage so you can make plans for parking your cars.
